February 18, 2025

Jeffery Ruger

Functional Home Design

10 simple recommendations for making your exterior accessible

10 simple recommendations for making your exterior accessible


I’m sure you and I can agree that there’s nothing better than enjoying the outdoors. Whether you’re relaxing on your porch or grilling outside, you want to make sure that everyone can enjoy their time in the great outdoors equally. After all, if your front door is too high or if there’s no accessible entryway into your garage, it doesn’t matter how much fun everyone else is having—you’ll be left out! Fortunately, making your house more accessible isn’t difficult or expensive at all. In fact, some of these changes will only cost you a few dollars!

10 simple recommendations for making your exterior accessible

Make sure the front door has enough clearance.

One of the most important things you can do to make your home accessible is to ensure that the front door has enough clearance to accommodate a wheelchair.

It’s also important that there is enough room around the door so that someone pushing a wheelchair through it won’t hit anything in the process. The best way to test this is by sitting in your own seat and attempting to open or close the door while looking out of its windowpane, if applicable; if there are any obstructions nearby (such as furniture), move them out of the way before moving on with testing other areas of accessibility throughout your home’s exterior space

Place accessible passage at the end of a driveway.

When you’re designing your driveway, make sure there is enough room for a wheelchair to turn around. A common mistake is to put the accessible passage at the end of your driveway and then expect people in wheelchairs to back up all that distance. Don’t do this! It’s better to have an accessible passage closer to where you park your car(s).

Curb cuts provide access from streets onto sidewalks or driveways; ramps are used between two different levels (such as between street level and sidewalk). If possible, use both curb cuts and ramps so everyone can easily get into their home or business without having to climb too many steps or go up steep inclines in their wheelchair.

Use ramps instead of stairs.

Use ramps instead of stairs.

  • Ramps are easier to use than stairs, so you can keep them in place for longer periods of time. This is especially important if you have a disability or other condition that makes it difficult for you to navigate stairs.
  • Ramps are also better suited for wheelchairs, walkers and strollers than steps would be (see picture).
  • If someone has visual impairments and needs assistance getting up the stairs, they should not have to rely on someone else’s strength alone–it is far better if there is something sturdy like a ramp available so that they can climb up themselves!

Make sure you have level access to all areas around your home.

  • Make sure you have level access to all areas around your home.
  • Ensure that there is level access to the front door and garage, as well as a driveway that can accommodate a standard-sized vehicle.
  • Make sure there is level access from the garage into the house, and vice versa; this will make it easier for family members who use wheelchairs or have other mobility issues to move around inside and outside of your home.

Make sure your garage door is easy to use and open.

Make sure your garage door is easy to use and open.

  • Make sure you can open the door from both inside and outside.
  • Make sure you can open the door from a wheelchair.
  • Make sure you can open the door with one hand, if possible, as well as with two hands if necessary (like when carrying groceries). This will help people who have difficulty using both hands or are limited in mobility due to injury or illness.
  • If possible, install keyless entry locks so people don’t have to fumble around for their keys when coming home late at night–it could be a matter of safety!

Install grab bars at entrances, bathrooms, and showers.

Grab bars should be installed at entrances, bathrooms, and showers.

  • They should be installed at the right height for the person using them.
  • They should be installed in a way that makes them easy to use: If you’re blind or have poor vision, grab bars should be placed so that they’re easily within reach when you’re standing on one foot or sitting down. And if you have limited mobility, it’s important that your hands are able to reach all areas of the grab bar without straining your back or shoulders too much (or even worse–causing pain!)
  • Grab bars must be installed in places where they are needed most: For example, if there’s no shower seat available in your bathroom and someone with limited mobility uses it regularly then installing one would make sense here! But if not then maybe reconsidering whether installing one will actually improve their experience during bathing time before doing so…

Add an extra toilet in your basement or utility room.

If you have a basement, consider creating a bathroom down there. This will allow people to use the toilet without having to go upstairs. If you don’t have a basement, consider adding an extra toilet in your utility room–it’s an easy way to make sure everyone can get in and out of your house easily!

Install a bathroom grab bar for children who need help getting dressed.

To help your child get dressed, install a grab bar next to the bathroom sink. This is the safest option because it allows children to lean on the bar while they put on clothes or shoes. The grab bar should be placed at a height that is comfortable for the user and can be used by adults as well as children. You can also use grab bars in your shower or bathtub so that your child has something sturdy to hold onto when bathing or washing their hair.

Save money by installing a universal toilet seat instead of a special one for someone with disabilities.

If you’re looking to save money, a universal toilet seat will work just fine. You can find them in most hardware stores and they’re much more comfortable than a special one. Universal toilet seats are also sturdier than special ones, so they’ll last longer too! The only downside is that you’ll need to buy new ones every time someone with disabilities uses your bathroom. But it’s okay–they’re cheap!

If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of replacing multiple toilets each time someone with disabilities comes over (and who does?), consider installing an adjustable height unit instead of buying new toilets. It’s not as fancy as having two different types of bathrooms; however it does offer plenty of flexibility when it comes time for guests or family members who use wheelchairs or walkers come over at night after dinner has been served but before dessert has been served.”

Making your exterior accessible will make life easier for everyone!

Making your exterior accessible will make life easier for everyone!

The truth is that people with disabilities are not the only ones who need accessible entrances. Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they have to carry something heavy or have trouble walking, and therefore need an entrance that is easy to enter and exit. For example, if you live in an apartment building that has stairs instead of an elevator (or no elevator at all), then anyone who needs assistance getting up those stairs–including elderly people or those with mobility issues–will appreciate having an accessible door so they don’t have to climb them every time they come home. Similarly, if you live in an area prone to storms or other extreme weather events like flooding or ice storms, then having access doors on both sides of your house will make it easier for emergency responders who may need help getting inside during such conditions!


Making your exterior accessible is a simple way to make life easier for everyone. It’s also an important part of making sure that your home is accessible for people with disabilities. If you have any questions about how to make your home more accessible, please contact us at [email protected]