February 17, 2025

Jeffery Ruger

Functional Home Design

Home Exterior Who Has the Best Accessibility?

Home Exterior Who Has the Best Accessibility?


Let’s be honest: building an accessible home is not easy. There are costs involved, and it takes time to get everything done just right. But the end result is worth it! You can build a home exterior that is both aesthetically-pleasing and accessible for wheelchair users. Here are some tips on how to do so:

Home Exterior Who Has the Best Accessibility?

It’s possible to have a home exterior that is both aesthetically-pleasing and accessible for wheelchair users.

It’s possible to have a home exterior that is both aesthetically-pleasing and accessible for wheelchair users.

If you are looking for a new home exterior, but want to make sure it can be used by people in wheelchairs, there are ways to go about doing this. The first thing you need to do is make sure that your doorways are wide enough so that someone in a wheelchair can get through them easily without having any issues or problems along the way. Having doors that aren’t wide enough could lead to accidents happening when someone tries going through them; therefore, it’s best if they’re able to get through without any problems whatsoever!

Look for curb ramps

A curb ramp is a step that makes it easier for people in wheelchairs or with other mobility issues to get from the street and onto the sidewalk. It can also help you get into your home if you have limited mobility, so it’s important that you choose the right type of curb ramp for your needs.

Curb ramps come in two basic shapes: flat and sloping. Flat ramps are used at intersections where sidewalks meet curbs; they’re usually made from concrete or asphalt. Sloping ramps are used on driveways leading up to homes; these are typically made of wood or metal (though some may be constructed out of brick).

The most important thing when choosing a curb ramp is to make sure it meets ADA standards set by the U.S Department of Justice–this means that they must be wide enough for wheelchair users (at least 36 inches), have handrails along both sides, have slip-resistant surfaces throughout their length so as not cause accidents while walking up/down them with wet shoes/feet etc., and also avoid any hazards such as protruding bolts sticking out into traffic lanes nearby which could potentially damage tires while driving over them!

Consider constructing a ramp

  • Consider constructing a ramp. A ramp is a good option for homes that have a steep grade, and it can be made of wood, concrete or metal. The minimum width for the ramp is 36 inches (91 cm) between handrails on both sides.
  • Make sure there’s enough room to walk around obstacles like trees or shrubs near your front door–and don’t forget about wheelchair users! The ADA recommends at least 5 feet (1.5 m) clearance in front of doors with double swings; wider if you need more space for maneuvering furniture or other items through the doorway regularly.*

Use the correct materials

To make your home exterior as accessible as possible, you should use materials that are durable and easy to maintain. For example, wood is both aesthetically pleasing and durable, but it can be damaged by weathering or vandalism. Metal has a high resistance to weathering but is not very aesthetically pleasing; on the other hand, brick is aesthetically pleasing but has little resistance against vandalism or harsh weather conditions

Create a safe transition from your home to the sidewalk with a ramp.

If you have a wheelchair user in your home and they are unable to use stairs, it is important that they have access to the sidewalk. A ramp is one of the best ways to create this connection between your home and its exterior. You can install an outdoor ramp by following these steps:

  • Choose a sturdy material for the ramp such as wood or metal. This will ensure that it does not get damaged easily during inclement weather conditions like rain or snowfall. It should also be strong enough so that someone with poor balance cannot fall off while using it on their own (e.g., if there were no handrails).
  • The incline should be mild so that people with disabilities do not struggle when going up or down them with their wheelchairs/crutches/canes/etc.. In addition, make sure there isn’t much slope because this could cause injury if someone trips over themselves while trying not fall off again! Also remember not too steep either since then things might get difficult quickly after all…
  • Non-slip surfaces would help prevent accidents from happening while walking down those slippery surfaces which could lead even worse situations than before (if possible). This will allow everyone safe passage regardless whether wet weather conditions exist outside right now–or even worse yet dry ones too!

Use contrasting colors and textures to guide pedestrians with visual impairments.

Contrasting color and texture are two ways to make your home exterior easier for pedestrians with visual impairments to navigate. For example, if you have a lot of brick or stone on the front of your house, consider adding some wooden planters in front as well. This will help guide people who rely on echolocation (sounds) when walking around their environment. If there’s not a lot of contrast between the sidewalk and driveway, it could be hard for someone using a cane or wheelchair to know where they’re going once they get off the curb!

When lighting is used at night time (whether it’s streetlights or porch lights), make sure there isn’t too much light shining into neighbors’ windows–this can cause privacy issues while also making them feel unsafe if they think someone might be lurking outside their home at night time!

You can build an exterior that is both beautiful and accessible

If you’re building an exterior that is both beautiful and accessible, consider the needs of people with disabilities. In addition to being visually appealing, your home should be easy to navigate by all pedestrians.

Use contrasting colors and textures to guide pedestrians with visual impairments:

  • Use contrasting materials on each side of a step ramp or landing at the top of stairs. For example, if you have painted wood steps leading up from your driveway into your garage door opening (which may be large enough for a wheelchair), then paint those steps black so they stand out from the rest of the white concrete driveway surface around it–and vice versa if there’s no difference between them! This will help guide individuals who rely on their sense of touch through this area safely without tripping over themselves as they go inside their house every day after work/school/etc…


We hope this article has given you some ideas on how to make your home exterior more accessible. If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out our other articles on accessibility in the home. You can also contact us directly if you need help with any projects or just want some advice from an expert!